Holy week is an opportunity to go on a journey. It is to walk with Jesus through his final week leading up to his death and resurrection. We meet Jesus on the road into Jerusalem and wave our palms to greet him. We remember how he washed his friends feet and offered bread and wine as remembrance of his body and blood. In our imaginations we join those at the foot of the cross, gazing at Jesus and the mystery of his great love and his life given for us. Then the in-between place of waiting before the great celebration of resurrection, death defeated and Jesus risen and alive.
We invite you to go on this journey together with us at our special services. There will be sorrow and there will be joy because in Holy week and Easter we experience both and indeed God meets us in both.
Sunday 2nd April 10am – Palm Sunday
An All Age Service of celebration and palms as we shout ‘Hosanna’ to the King.
Thursday 5th April 7.30pm – Maundy Thursday
A quiet service including Holy Communion and hand washing.
Friday 5th April 2pm – Good Friday
A service of readings, music and reflections by the foot of the cross. Followed by hot cross buns.
Sunday 9th April 10am- Easter Sunday
A joyful celebration with Holy Communion. The service will be followed by bubbly and an Easter Egg hunt.